Latinxs (CON-LTX)

Programa 1

  • Viernes 6 de diciembre 2024 Centro Ático 18:00
  • Sábado 7 de Diciembre 2024 Cinemateca de Bogotá - Sala 2 13:00
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Los mosquitos

Una adolescente hondureña de 15 años y su prima pequeño deben forjar nuevos lazos en Estados Unidos y redefinir su concepto de familia.

A 15-year-old Honduran teen and her younger cousin must forge new bonds in the US and redefine their concept of family.

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Enséñame cómo morir / Show Me How to Die

Después de que su abuela fallece, una mujer mexicana-estadounidense en duelo queda fascinada con aprender lo que se siente al morir, creyendo que esto le permitirá sentirse cerca de su abuela de una manera que nunca sintió en vida.

After her grandmother passes away, a grieving Mexican-American woman becomes fascinated with learning what it feels like to die, believing it will allow her to feel close to her grandma in death in a way she never felt in life.

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When Big People Lie

Elvis acaba de cumplir ocho años y su deseo se ha hecho realidad. Su madre soltera, Lola, ha invitado a un inmigrante desconocido, Mohammed, a vivir con ellos a cambio de dinero. El acuerdo da un giro inesperado cuando Lola y Mohammed planean una boda poco convencional y aparentemente improvisada. Sumido en un mar de confusión, Elvis se enfrenta a su nuevo padrastro mientras recuerda a medias a su padrastro biológico en un mar de recuerdos e ilusiones. Cuando una visita imprevista de las autoridades sorprende a la familia, no sólo complica su mundo, sino que pone en peligro todo lo que conoce.

Elvis just turned eight, and for his birthday, his wish has sort of come true. His single mother Lola has invited an immigrant stranger, Mohammed to live with them in exchange for money. The arrangement takes an unexpected turn when Lola and Mohammed plan an unconventional, seemingly impromptu wedding. Spiraling into a sea of confusion, Elvis navigates his newfound stepfather while half-remembering his biological one in flits of collapsing memory and make-believe. When an unscheduled visit from authorities surprises the family, it not only complicates his world, but risks everything he knows.

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Candy Puppet

Cuando una joven glotona se come los dulces mientras compra, sin saberlo abre un portal para que un mago salga del limbo y reencarne en su cuerpo, dejándola convertida en marioneta.

When a gluttonous young woman eats as she shops candy, she unknowingly unlocks a portal for a magician mime, who comes from a limbo to reincarnate into her body leaving her trapped in a marionette´s body.

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Victim / Víctima

Cuando su hermano acusa a un conserje de robar su nuevo celular, Eliana tiene que encargarse de recuperarlo.

Eliana has to take care of her brother, who protests at the fact that he doesnt have a phone and all his friends do. After giving in to his wishes of getting a phone, her brother claims it was stolen from him. Eliana has to take matters into her own hands to get it back.
