Aitana / Aitana
España - 2023 18”
Marina Alberti
- Producción / Production: El Viaje Films José Alayón
- Guión / Screenplay: Marina Alberti, José Alayón
- Fotografía / Photography: José Alayón
- Montaje / Mounting: José Alayón
- Sonido / Sound: Carlos E. García
- Casting / Cast: Aitana Alberti, Marina Alberti, Aitana Alberti Alayón
A Marina le obsesiona perder la memoria. Le pasó a su abuela y ahora intuye que le está ocurriendo a su madre Aitana, hija de la escritora María Teresa León y del poeta Rafael Alberti. Encerrada en la habitación de la que su madre no sale desde hace tiempo, insiste en revisitar los recuerdos. En el silencio de la noche vuelven los fantasmas del pasado familiar, la historia de un país y de un siglo entero.
Marina is haunted by the idea of losing her memory. Her grandmother suffered memory loss and now her mother Aitana, daughter of the writer Maria Teresa Leon and the poet Rafael Alberti, seems to be as well. Locked in a room which her mother has not left for some time, she insists on reliving her memories. In the silence of the night, her family’s past returns, it is the history of a country and an entire century.
Venezia IFF 2023 / Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid 2023
Marina Alberti
Tras estudios en La Habana y EICTV, obtuvo maestría en Fotoperiodismo (EFTI) y diplomados en Cine (Madrid, Buenos Aires, Berlín). Asesora visual en Bosnian Bones, Spanish Ghosts. Consultora y productora ejecutiva en EL VIAJE FILMS. AITANA, su debut como directora, estrena en la 80ª Biennale de Venecia.
After studying Film Directing in Havana, she continued at EICTV. Holds a Master's in Photojournalism (EFTI) and took film editing/production courses in Madrid, Buenos Aires, Berlin. Visual consultant for Bosnian Bones, Spanish Ghosts at Goldsmith's University. Script consultant at EL VIAJE FILMS, also executive producer for films like BLANCO EN BLANCO and THEY CARRY DEATH. Her directorial debut, AITANA, premieres at the 80th Venice Biennale.