Italia - 2024 20”
Giulia Grandinetti
- Producción / Production: Riccardo Neri, Vincenzo Filippo, Giulia Grandinetti
- Guión / Screenplay: Giulia Grandinetti
- Fotografía / Photography: Ilya Sapeha
- Montaje / Mounting: Niccolò Notario
- Sonido / Sound: Alessandro Fusaroli, Riccardo Marsana
- Casting / Cast: Caterina Bagnulo, Alessandro Egger, Julian Jashar, Sean Cubito, Anila Çyçllari, Dhimiter Janko
- Música / Music: Mario Russo
Ersekë (Albania). Elyria vive con su familia siguiendo las estrictas normas impuestas por su padre, ocultando su ira con obediencia. Día a día crece en ella un poderoso deseo de rebeldía que la llevará a realizar un amargo, pero necesario, acto de revolución.
Ersekë, Albania. Elyria lives with her family following the strict rules imposed by her father, hiding her anger with obedience. A powerful desire for rebellion grows in her day by day that will lead her to the fulfillment of a bitter, but necessary, act of revolution.
Mejor Cortometraje Italiano, Alice nella Città 2024
Giulia Grandinetti
Debutó como directora en 2020 con el largometraje independiente Alice and the Land that Wonders, y después se dedicó a una trilogía de cortometrajes distópicos: Guinea Pig, Tria - del sentimento del tradire (Festival de Venecia 2022, Competencia Orizzonti) y Majonezë.
She made her debut as director in 2020 with the independent feature film Alice and the Land that Wonders, and then dedicated herself to a trilogy of dystopian short films: Guinea Pig, Tria - del sentimento del tradire (Venice FF 2022, Orizzonti Competition) and Majonezë.