Competencia Internacional:
Videoclip (CI-VC)


  • Martes 10 de Diciembre 2024 Cinemateca de Bogotá - Sala Capital 13:00
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Francia - 2024 6”
Mika Pusse , Gabriel Laborde Leonhardt , Arthur Bonneau

  • Producción / Production: Mika Pusse, Gabriel Laborde Léonhardt, Arthur Bonneau
  • Casting / Cast: Mika Pusse, Nikochat
  • Música / Music: La Heimlich

El sol se pone detras de la ciudad.


The sun sets behind the town.

Mika Pusse

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Es un artista multidisciplinar músico, pintor, diseñador gráfico, tatuador, calvo. Fundó el grupo Pikpus (Trace Label) a finales de los 90, luego Pusse y desde entonces ha estado involucrado en proyectos musicales, cada uno más diverso que el anterior.

He is a multidisciplinary artist musician, painter, graphic designer, tattooist, bald. He founded the group Pikpus (Trace Label) in the late 90s, then Pusse and has since been involved in musical projects, each more diverse than the last. 

Gabriel Laborde Leonhardt

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Vive en Saint Etienne desde hace 19 años. Desde su infancia, se interesa por el vídeo. Desde 2021 participa en la organización de semanas dedicadas a la videocreación para jóvenes del centro juvenil de Saint Etienne.

He has been living in Saint Etienne for 19 years. Since his childhood, he has been interested in video. With his mother he discover stop motion and together, they try to brings his toys to life with video. Ever since 2021 he takes part of the organization of video creation workshops for young people from the saint Etienne youth center.

Arthur Bonneau

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Primero experimentó con la animación stop-motion realizando el vídeo musical Houseboat a partir de materiales recuperados, y después se formó en cine de animación cerca de Clermont-Ferrand.

First experimented stop-motion animation by making the music video Houseboat from recovered materials, then trained in animated cinema near Clermont-Ferrand. In 2023 he co-directed the music video Saint-Étienne for the musical group La Heimlich with Gabriel Laborde Léonhardt and the singer Mika Pusse.