Andres, desinteresado y apatico, pasa sus dias en la escuela inmerso en las redes sociales, desconectado de la realidad. Al intentar detener un incidente de acoso durante el almuerzo, su hermano Miguel sufre graves lesiones. En lugar de intervenir, Andres documenta la brutal altercación, capturando la violencia desgarradora en su telefono, reflejando asi su marcado desapego del mundo que lo rodea.
Andres, disengaged and apathetic, spends his school days immersed in social media, disconnected from reality. When his brother, Miguel, attempts to halt a bullying incident during lunch, he suffers severe injuries. Instead of intervening, Andres documents the brutal altercation, capturing the harrowing event on his phone, revealing a stark reflection of his detachment from the world around him.